what work is being done right now to prevent sickle cell anemia
Sickle Jail cell Disease
Besides called: Hemoglobin SS illness, Sickle cell anemia
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What is sickle cell illness (SCD)?
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a group of inherited red blood prison cell disorders. If you have SCD, there is a problem with your hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in ruby claret cells that carries oxygen throughout the torso. With SCD, the hemoglobin forms into potent rods within the red blood cells. This changes the shape of the red claret cells. The cells are supposed to exist disc-shaped, simply this changes them into a crescent, or sickle, shape.
The sickle-shaped cells are not flexible and cannot change shape easily. Many of them burst apart as they motion through your blood vessels. The sickle cells ordinarily merely concluding 10 to xx days, instead of the normal 90 to 120 days. Your body may take trouble making plenty new cells to supplant the ones that y'all lost. Because of this, you may non have enough red claret cells. This is a status called anemia, and it can make y'all feel tired.
The sickle-shaped cells tin can also stick to vessel walls, causing a blockage that slows or stops the catamenia of claret. When this happens, oxygen can't attain nearby tissues. The lack of oxygen can cause attacks of sudden, severe pain, called pain crises. These attacks tin occur without alarm. If you go i, yous might need to get to the hospital for handling.
What causes sickle cell disease (SCD)?
The cause of SCD is a defective cistron, called a sickle prison cell gene. People with the disease are born with ii sickle cell genes, one from each parent.
If yous are born with ane sickle cell gene, it's called sickle cell trait. People with sickle cell trait are generally good for you, only they can laissez passer the defective gene on to their children.
Who is at risk for sickle cell illness (SCD)?
In the The states, near of the people with SCD are African Americans:
- About 1 in 13 African American babies is born with sickle cell trait
- About 1 in every 365 blackness children is built-in with sickle cell disease
SCD too affects some people who come from Hispanic, southern European, Middle Eastern, or Asian Indian backgrounds.
What are the symptoms of sickle prison cell illness (SCD)?
People with SCD outset to have signs of the disease during the first twelvemonth of life, usually effectually 5 months of age. Early on symptoms of SCD may include:
- Painful swelling of the hands and anxiety
- Fatigue or fussiness from anemia
- A yellow color of the pare (jaundice) or the whites of the eyes (icterus)
The effects of SCD vary from person to person and can change over time. Most of the signs and symptoms of SCD are related to complications of the affliction. They may include severe pain, anemia, organ damage, and infections.
How is sickle cell illness (SCD) diagnosed?
A blood exam tin testify if you have SCD or sickle cell trait. All states now test newborns as part of their screening programs, so treatment tin can brainstorm early on.
People who are thinking near having children can have the exam to discover out how likely it is that their children will take SCD.
Doctors tin also diagnose SCD before a baby is built-in. That test uses a sample of amniotic fluid (the liquid in the sac surrounding the baby) or tissue taken from the placenta (the organ that brings oxygen and nutrients to the infant).
What are the treatments for sickle cell disease (SCD)?
The only cure for SCD is bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. Because these transplants are risky and can take serious side furnishings, they are usually merely used in children with severe SCD. For the transplant to work, the bone marrow must be a shut match. Usually, the best donor is a brother or sister.
There are treatments that can assist relieve symptoms, lessen complications, and prolong life:
- Antibiotics to try to prevent infections in younger children
- Pain relievers for astute or chronic pain
- Hydroxyurea, a medicine that has been shown to reduce or prevent several SCD complications. It increases the corporeality of fetal hemoglobin in the blood. This medicine is not right for everyone; talk to your health care provider about whether you should take it. This medicine is not safe during pregnancy.
- Childhood vaccinations to forbid infections
- Claret transfusions for severe anemia. If y'all have had some serious complications, such equally a stroke, yous may take transfusions to forestall more complications.
There are other treatments for specific complications.
To stay as healthy as possible, brand sure that you go regular medical intendance, live a healthy lifestyle, and avert situations that may set off a pain crunch.
NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
- Living Well with Sickle Cell Disease (Centers for Disease Command and Prevention) Besides in Spanish
- Sickle Prison cell Crisis (Pain Crisis) (Nemours Foundation) Also in Castilian
- A1C Exam and Race/Ethnicity
(National Found of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
- Five Tips to Assistance Forbid Infections (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Too in Castilian
- Hemoglobin C, Southward-C, and Due east Diseases (Merck & Co., Inc.) Also in Castilian
- Sickle Cell Illness and Pulmonary Hypertension (Pulmonary Hypertension Association) - PDF
- Sickle Cell Affliction Quiz (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) As well in Spanish
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
- Sickle cell anemia (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
- Sickle cell examination (Medical Encyclopedia) As well in Spanish
Source: https://medlineplus.gov/sicklecelldisease.html
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